...we can mail that!
Create a CertificateofService.com Account
Account Contact Information
Organization Information
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Firm Name
Address (cont.)
Main Office Phone
Client Category
Web site URL address
Direct Office Phone
Cell Phone
Check this box if we can send you text alerts about your mailing projects
Add a payment method
As we are an ala carte service, we charge your credit card only when we have completed a mailing on your behalf. You must put a valid card on account or we cannot processing your mailings. We do not accept payments from the bankruptcy estate unless you have received approval from the court that we are the designated notice provider in the case. Our relationship is one business to another business.
Numbers only
Ex. 123 Main St = 123
Name on Card
Billing Phone
Billing Address Number
Billing Zip Code
Credit Card Type
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
CCS/CSV Security Code
Enter your Registration Code or Coupon Code
We often provide registration codes to new registrants who met us at various trade shows or promotional events. If you have one of these codes, please enter it in the field below. We will provide you with an instant account printing cost credit which you can use to offset the expense of your mailings.
Registration / Coupon Code
User Agreement
Please choose from the options below:
If the whole idea of using CertificateofService.com is to make your life easier and more convenient, then it makes complete sense for us to train you and your staff on how to use our amazing mailroom system. We currently use the Zoom platform for training. Tell us how many people we need to train and we will contact you to arrange the conference.
Schedule your training session
I have reviewed and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in the User Agreement.
By checking this box, you are certifying that you (i) have reviewed the User Agreement, the Privacy Notice and the Website Terms of Use agreement and (ii) and agree to be bound by the terms set forth therein as well as (iii) you agree to pay your invoice in accordance with the terms set forth in your credit card agreement or by other means established with BK Attorney Services, LLC. You further understand that once the certificate has been released there are no refunds or returns.
(c) Copyright 2020. BK Attorney Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
PO Box 4590
Pasco, WA 99302
(509) 412-1356
BKAS Registration Form v6.1 (11-18-2020)
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Help us to understand where to best allocate our limited resources for marketing and new client recruitment. The more we grow, the more we are able to leverage our purchasing and buying power to keep our costs low. Spent a moment letting us know how you heard about us, do we can further refine our marketing strategy!
How did you hear about us?
If there is someone we should thank for referring you to us, please let us know their name!